Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Royalty Free Motion Picture Sound Track

If your movie project budget won't quite let you afford a full Orchestra to play the soundtrack for your production you can still get the job done with one of the Royalty Free Motion Picture Soundtrack Music selection below. I had this problem during a documentary I was working on. Pre-production and production had gone well now entering post-production it was time to incorporate the music chosen during pre-production into the chosen scenes, and it worked, the music fits each scene like a glove. I had paid a little over $99.00 for the entire music collection which included sound effects too.

It was a combination of things that went on the make that documentary as successful as it was, but the music played a big part in creating the desired mood and adding to the overall quality of the project. I also noticed that our time in the recording studio went a little smoother too because instead of a group of highly paid musicians straining for perfection, and believe me if I was paying them I would want them to strain for that perfection. Instead, working with the Cd's and having an entire orchestra at my studio engineers fingertips I found the entire post-production exercise easy and enjoyable using my Royalty Free music library.

I started out making NO-budget films (more accurately videotape productions) In fact a friend I used to work expressed my music budget more accurately he uses to tell me that my budget was "under low." Luckily for me, I am a musician who knows other musicians and was somehow able to come up with music to fit my early projects somehow. Royalty Free Music may have been available then but it hadn't made it to my radar yet, I'm glad I know about the royalty-free production music choice now. If this helps you, you have made me smile.

Selection One

Selection Two

Selection Three

Selection Four 

If your budget is big enough---nothing beats an original music score and a live orchestra, it's just nice to know that Royalty Free Music can save the day for a low (or an under low) budget film or video project. Special note, Royalty Free doesn't necessarily mean Free Music. Almost all Royalty Free music collections have a monetary cost attached to 'em. I have seen Royalty Free Music priced from under $99.00 to over $300.00 dollars, so give the music a test drive (listen to it first).

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